X-Ray Services We Guarantee our workcall for details Radiography is when film is exposed by the impact of gamma rays emitted by a radioactive source after traveling through concrete. Digital Concrete has worked with all of the different Radiographic sources: Iridium-192, Cobalt-60, and High Energy X-Ray. Digital Concrete has managed hundreds of X-Ray inspection projects ranging from a single shot to multiple weeks of work in a variety of demanding situations. We are experts in the application of this technology in the construction environment. It is in the strict service of our client's needs that we will employ the best NDT method appropriate to the situation. It is our relationship with some of the premier X-Ray Firms and Testing Laboratories that will allow us to provide our clients with a level of service that will guarantee success. If your jobsite situation means that Radiography is the best NDT method to solve a problem then that is the method that will be deployed in order to ensure that your project does not fall behind schedule. Digital Concrete will manage the entire X-Ray process from beginning to end. This means that we will be onsite when the Radiography crew arrives. We will then direct where and how the shots will be taken. After the film is developed we will analyze the results and determine if additional exposures are needed. When finished we will take possession of the film and escort the Radiography crew offsite. We will then begin the painstaking process of solving the particular construction problem that is at hand. It takes great skill to read a Radiograph and even greater skill to then navigate a coring crew through a slab without damaging any structural elements such as conduit, rebar, or Post-Tensioned cables. It is the last step in the process that differentiates Digital Concrete from all others. When we are in charge of a Radiography team you will arrive early the next morning to find locations that are ready to be cored. Other companies will simply leave you the film and let you do the rest. The relationship between Radar and Radiography is not complex. However, the last 10 years has seen the development of a situation where people in need of NDT services are being told that one method is always better than the other. For example, it is commonplace on web sites to find a table comparing the strengths and weaknesses of Radar and Radiography. No matter how many criteria are compared the universal message is, "Radar - GOOD; Radiography - BAD. Unfortunately it is often the companies that only use Radar that espouse this view. Self-Interest should never undermine the best interests of the client. Our understanding of the strengths and limitations of Radiography can only come from years of experience using this tried and true NDT method to solve our customer's construction needs.